Monday, March 01, 2010

Making changes

With just a few weeks before we meet our little Flutterbug, we have all been busy gearing up for the big changes in our family. Zara in particular has been facing the most change with potty training, getting Dad to do bedtime and with the prospect of moving from the nursery into her own "big-girl bed". I have been telling her that we going to make her a nice new ladybird room and that she will be sleeping in the bed that was mine when I was a little girl... so far she seems OK with this so I have been running around sourcing ladybird goodies to make her room special and thus hopefully a smoother transition into the new room. Over the weekend the Hilton grandparents were here for a visit and Heather spent the most part "chained" to the sewing machine making the duvet covers and some covers for the new baby's change mat. Graham and Chris put up curtain rails and some floating shelves... Everyone had a little help from the big girl herself and she really seemed pleased with all the goings on...

1 comment:

Grannyannie said...

It's great to see "men at work"! Stacie, you're really lucky to have Heather to do all that sewing for you!