Saturday, March 27, 2010

big belly...

As you might remember, I had a belly mask done of my tummy when I was 36 weeks pregnant with Zara... So this week I had another one done so that I could compare belly's.

Zara was quite intrigued by the process of Theoni pasting "stuff" all over my tummy and insisted on getting naked too - what a great daughter to keep me company ;~) I know she would have loved to "help" Theoni so we kept her distracted with some Easter eggs. Zara seems to have been a far "quieter" baby in utero so it was quite a weird experience this time as the baby just kept moving around - he/she seems to be constantly busy but also probably wasn't wild about the coldness on my tum?

As you can see its quite a messy affair but well worth it in the end with a treasured art piece to keep for each child so they can see how they transformed my body. Chris and I have had fun examining each belly mask and taken note that although there are some similarities, my tum is different...


G and G in Hilton said...

The count down has truly started. Zara seems to be just as excited as Mum and Dad (not to mention the Grannies and Grandpas)! Have you got a photo of Big Girl's room with the decals from America?
Love from Granny and Grandpa in Hilton

Grannyannie said...

It's quite amazing what you can do now and Zara looks like a little nudist on the beach at Cannes.